Annual Carrom and Chess Tournament of the Norway Tamil Sangam – 2020

Carom & Chess Tournament– 2020 Carom & Chess Tournament – 2020 Norsk Tamilforening har holdt sine årlige Carom- og sjakkturneringer de siste årene. Carom & Chess Turnering i år blir arrangert i Tamilsangams og Stovner klubbhus sine lokaler (under Stovner velhus) den 3. og 4. oktober 2020. Date: 03 & 04. October 2020 Place:...


Indoor Athlete Sports Competition conducted for the first time by the Norway Tamil Sangam

Hello, I am pleased to announce that the inaugural Indoor Athlete Games, organized by the Norway Tamil Sangam for the first time, went well yesterday at Skedsmohallen as scheduled. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all the clubs, referees and staff who have collaborated in every way to make this event special. We...


Badmintonøvelser er gjenopptatt

Badminton exercises of the Norwegian Tamil Sangam have resumed The exercises take place every Tuesday (19:00 - 22:30), Thursday (16:00 - 19:30) and Friday (time will be announced soon) at the brand new Nordbyhallen Indoor Stadium in Rommen. The coach, coached by Norges Badminton Forbund, will be training on Thursdays. We would like...


We warmly invite you to come to the Sports Festival and celebrate

We warmly invite you! Hello! The 40th Annual Professional Games of the Norway Tamil Sangam will be held on Saturday 17.08.2019 with more than 500 athletes at the Romerike Friidrettsstadion (Lillestrøm stadium). We warmly invite all the members, administrators, supporters and all those who have been continuously developing the Tamil Sangam for the...